
🚰 Interactive hydrodynamic solver for pipe and channel networks

View the Project on GitHub mdbartos/pipedream


    â€¢ Governing equations
    â€¢ Model structure


    â€¢ Flow on hillslope
    â€¢ Simulation context manager
    â€¢ Contaminant transport on hillslope
    â€¢ Uncoupled overland flow
    â€¢ Coupled overland flow
    â€¢ Simple dynamic control example
    â€¢ Adaptive step size control
    â€¢ Validation with real-world network
    â€¢ Kalman filtering with holdout analysis


    â€¢ Hydraulic solver API reference
    â€¢ Infiltration solver API reference
    â€¢ Water quality solver API reference
    â€¢ Model inputs
    â€¢ Hydraulic geometry reference

Model inputs

This reference lists model inputs required to run the solvers included in the pipedream toolkit:

Hydraulic solver model inputs

Basic model elements

Control structures

Advanced elements

superlinks: pd.DataFrame

Table containing all superlinks in the network along with their attributes.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
id int   Integer id for the superlink
name str   Name of the superlink
sj_0 int   Index of the upstream superjunction
sj_1 int   Index of the downstream superjunction
in_offset float m Offset of superlink invert above upstream superjunction
out_offset float m Offset of superlink invert above downstream superjunction
C_uk float - Upstream discharge coefficient
C_dk float - Downstream discharge coefficient

If internal links and junctions are provided separately, the following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
j_0 int   Index of first junction inside superlink
j_1 int   Index of last junction inside superlink

If internal links and junctions are not provided separately, the following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
dx float m Length of superlink
n float - Manning’s roughness coefficient for superlink
shape str   Cross-sectional geometry type (see geometry module)
g1 float m First dimension of cross-sectional geometry
g2 float m Second dimension of cross-sectional geometry
g3 float m Third dimension of cross-sectional geometry
g4 float m Fourth dimension of cross-sectional geometry
Q_0 float m^3/s Initial flow in internal links
h_0 float m Initial depth in internal junctions
A_s float m Surface area of internal junctions
ctrl bool   Indicates presence of control structure in superlink
A_c float m^2 Cross-sectional area of internal control structure
C float - Discharge coefficient of internal control structure


superjunctions: pd.DataFrame

Table containing all superjunctions in the network along with their attributes.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
id int   Integer id for superjunction
name str   Name of superjunction
z_inv float m Elevation of bottom of superjunction
h_0 float m Initial depth in superjunction
bc bool   Indicates boundary condition at superjunction
storage str   Storage type: functional or tabular
a float m a value in function relating surface area and depth
b float - b value in function relating surface area and depth
c float m^2 c value in function relating surface area and depth
max_depth float m Maximum depth allowed at superjunction

links: pd.DataFrame (optional)

Table containing all links in the network along with their attributes.

Note that if links and junction are not supplied, they will automatically be generated at even intervals within each superlink. The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
j_0 int   Index of upstream junction
j_1 int   Index of downstream junction
k int   Index of containing superlink
dx float m Length of link
n float - Manning’s roughness coefficient for link
shape str   Cross-sectional geometry type (see geometry module)
g1 float m First dimension of cross-sectional geometry
g2 float m Second dimension of cross-sectional geometry
g3 float m Third dimension of cross-sectional geometry
g4 float m Fourth dimension of cross-sectional geometry
Q_0 float m^3/s Initial flow in internal links
h_0 float m Initial depth in internal junctions
A_s float m Surface area of internal junctions
ctrl bool   Indicates presence of control structure in link
A_c float m^2 Cross-sectional area of internal control structure
C float - Discharge coefficient of internal control structure


junctions: pd.DataFrame (optional)

Table containing all junctions in the network along with their attributes.

Note that if links and junction are not supplied, they will automatically be generated at even intervals within each superlink. The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
id int   Integer id for junction
k int   Index of containing superlink
h_0 float m Initial depth at junction
A_s float m^2 Surface area of junction
z_inv float m Invert elevation of junction


orifices: pd.DataFrame (optional)

Table containing orifice control structures, and their attributes.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
id int   Integer id for the orifice
name str   Name of the orifice
sj_0 int   Index of the upstream superjunction
sj_1 int   Index of the downstream superjunction
orientation str   Orifice orientation: bottom or side
C float - Discharge coefficient for orifice
A float m^2 Full area of orifice
y_max float m Full height of orifice
z_o float m Offset of bottom above upstream superjunction invert


weirs: pd.DataFrame (optional)

Table containing weir control structures, and their attributes.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
id int   Integer id for the weir
name str   Name of the weir
sj_0 int   Index of the upstream superjunction
sj_1 int   Index of the downstream superjunction
z_w float m Offset of bottom above upstream superjunction invert
y_max float m Full height of weir
C_r float - Discharge coefficient for rectangular portion
C_t float - Discharge coefficient for triangular portions
L float m Length of rectangular portion of weir
s float - Inverse slope of triangular portion of weir


pumps: pd.DataFrame (optional)

Table containing pump control structures and their attributes.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
id int   Integer id for the pump
name str   Name of the pump
sj_0 int   Index of the upstream superjunction
sj_1 int   Index of the downstream superjunction
z_p float m Offset of bottom above upstream superjunction invert
a_q float   Vertical coefficient of pump ellipse
a_h float   Horizontal coefficient of pump ellipse
dH_min float m Minimum pump head
dH_max float m Maximum pump head


transects: dict (optional)

Dictionary describing nonfunctional channel cross-sectional geometries.

Takes the following structure:

    <transect_name> :
            'x' : <x-coordinates of cross-section (list of floats)>,
            'y' : <y-coordinates of cross-section (list of floats)>,
            'horiz_points' : <Number of horizontal sampling points (int)>
            'vert_points' : <Number of vertical sampling points (int)>


storages: dict (optional)

Dictionary describing tabular storages for superjunctions.

Takes the following structure:

    <storage_name> :
            'h' : <Depths (list of floats)>,
            'A' : <Surface areas associated with depths (list of floats)>,

Infiltration solver model inputs

Soil parameters

soil_params: pd.DataFrame

Table containing soil parameters for all catchments.

The following fields are required.

Field Type Unit Description
psi_f float m Matric potential of the wetting front (suction head)
Ks float m/s Saturated hydraulic conductivity
theta_s float - Saturated soil moisture content
theta_i float - Initial soil moisture content
A_s float m^2 Surface area of soil element

Transport solver model inputs

superlink_params: pd.DataFrame

Table containing superlink water quality parameters.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
dx_uk float m Distance from the upstream end of the superlink to well-mixed region
dx_dk float m Distance from the downstream end of the superlink to well-mixed region
D_uk float m Diffusion constant of upstream end of superlink
D_dk float m Diffusion constant of downstream end of superlink

If internal links and junctions are not provided separately, the following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
K float 1/s First order reaction constant in internal links/junctions
D float m^2/s Diffusion constant in internal links/junctions
c_0 float */m^3 Initial contaminant concentration in internal links/junctions

Superjunction parameters

superjunction_params: pd.DataFrame

Table containing superjunction water quality parameters.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
K float 1/s First order reaction constant in superjunction
c_0 float */m^3 Initial contaminant concentration in superjunction
bc bool - Indicates contaminant boundary condition at superjunction

link_params: pd.DataFrame (optional)

Table containing link water quality parameters.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
K float 1/s First order reaction constant in link
D float m^2/s Diffusion constant in link
c_0 float */m^3 Initial contaminant concentration in link

Junction parameters

junction_params: pd.DataFrame (optional)

Table containing junction water quality parameters.

The following fields are required:

Field Type Unit Description
K float 1/s First order reaction constant in junction
D float m^2/s Diffusion constant in junction
c_0 float */m^3 Initial contaminant concentration in junction