
🚰 Interactive hydrodynamic solver for pipe and channel networks

View the Project on GitHub mdbartos/pipedream


    â€¢ Governing equations
    â€¢ Model structure


    â€¢ Flow on hillslope
    â€¢ Simulation context manager
    â€¢ Contaminant transport on hillslope
    â€¢ Uncoupled overland flow
    â€¢ Coupled overland flow
    â€¢ Simple dynamic control example
    â€¢ Adaptive step size control
    â€¢ Validation with real-world network
    â€¢ Kalman filtering with holdout analysis


    â€¢ Hydraulic solver API reference
    â€¢ Infiltration solver API reference
    â€¢ Water quality solver API reference
    â€¢ Model inputs
    â€¢ Hydraulic geometry reference

Contaminant transport on a hillslope

Import modules

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pipedream_solver.hydraulics import SuperLink
from pipedream_solver.transport import QualityBuilder

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.cm
import seaborn as sns

Load model data

input_path = '../data/hillslope'
superjunctions = pd.read_csv(f'{input_path}/hillslope_superjunctions.csv')
superlinks = pd.read_csv(f'{input_path}/hillslope_superlinks.csv')
superlink_wq_params = pd.read_csv(f'{input_path}/hillslope_superlink_wq_params.csv')
superjunction_wq_params = pd.read_csv(f'{input_path}/hillslope_superjunction_wq_params.csv')
K D c_0 dx_uk dx_dk D_uk D_dk
0 0.0 0.0001 0.001 2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0
1 0.1 0.0001 0.001 2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0

Superjunction water quality parameters

K c_0 bc
0 0.0 0.001 False
1 0.0 0.001 False

Instantiate model

The hydraulic model is instantiated with the SuperLink class. The water quality model is instantiated with the QualityBuilder class.

internal_links = 24
superlink = SuperLink(superlinks, superjunctions,
waterquality = QualityBuilder(superlink, 

Specify the hydraulic model parameters, including the default time step dt, the inflow into each superjunction Q_in, and the inflow into each internal junction Q_0Ik.

dt = 10
Q_in = 1e-2 * np.asarray([1., 0.])
Q_0Ik = 1e-3 * np.ones(superlink.NIk)

Run coupled hydraulic / water quality models

c_Ik = []

for _ in range(5000):
    # If time is between 5000 and 10000 s...
    if (superlink.t > 5000) and (superlink.t < 10000):
        # Apply contaminant to uphill superjunction
        c_0j = 10. * np.asarray([1., 0.])
        # Otherwise, no contaminant input
        c_0j = np.zeros(2)
    # Advance hydraulic model
    superlink.step(dt=dt, Q_in=Q_in, Q_0Ik=Q_0Ik)
    # Advance water quality model
    waterquality.step(dt=dt, c_0j=c_0j)
    # Record nodal contaminant concentrations

Plot time series of contaminant concentrations

sns.set_palette('husl', internal_links + 1)
_ = plt.plot(c_Ik)
plt.ylabel('Concentration $(g/m^3)$')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.title('Contaminant concentration time series at each internal junction')


Plot profile of ending contaminant concentration

norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=0.625, clip=True)
mapper = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap='winter')

_ = superlink.plot_profile([0, 1], 
                           superlink_kwargs={'color' : 
                                         [mapper.to_rgba(c) for c in waterquality.c_ik]})
