
🚰 Interactive hydrodynamic solver for pipe and channel networks

View the Project on GitHub mdbartos/pipedream


    â€¢ Governing equations
    â€¢ Model structure


    â€¢ Flow on hillslope
    â€¢ Simulation context manager
    â€¢ Contaminant transport on hillslope
    â€¢ Uncoupled overland flow
    â€¢ Coupled overland flow
    â€¢ Simple dynamic control example
    â€¢ Adaptive step size control
    â€¢ Validation with real-world network
    â€¢ Kalman filtering with holdout analysis


    â€¢ Hydraulic solver API reference
    â€¢ Infiltration solver API reference
    â€¢ Water quality solver API reference
    â€¢ Model inputs
    â€¢ Hydraulic geometry reference

Hydraulic solver API documentation

This section enumerates all the methods of the SuperLink class.

A hydraulic model is instantiated using the pipedream_solver.hydraulics.SuperLink class.

Initialization parameters

The SuperLink class is initialized with the following parameters:

Attribute Type Description
superlinks pd.DataFrame Table containing all superlinks in the network along with their attributes. See model inputs: superlinks for specification.
superjunctions pd.DataFrame Table containing all superjunctions in the network along with their attributes. See model inputs: superjunctions for specification.
links pd.DataFrame Table containing all links in the network along with their attributes. See model inputs: links for specification.
junctions pd.DataFrame Table containing all junctions in the network along with their attributes. See model inputs: junctions for specification.
transects dict Dictionary describing nonfunctional channel cross-sectional geometries. See model inputs: transects for specification.
storages dict Dictionary describing tabular storages for superjunctions. See model inputs: storages for specification.
orifices pd.DataFrame Table containing orifice control structures, and their attributes. See model inputs: orifices for specification.
weirs pd.DataFrame Table containing weir control structures, and their attributes. See model inputs: weirs for specification.
pumps pd.DataFrame Table containing pump control structures, and their attributes. See model inputs: pumps for specification.
dt float Default timestep of model (in seconds). Defaults to 60 seconds.
min_depth float Minimum depth allowed at junctions and superjunctions (in meters). Defaults to 1e-5 m.
method str Method for computing internal states in superlinks. Must be one of the following:

- b : Backwards (default)
- f : Forwards
- lsq : Least-squares

Defaults to b.
auto_permute bool If True, permute the superjunctions to enable use of a banded matrix solver and increase solver speed. Superjunctions are permuted using the Reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm. Defaults to False.
internal_links int If junctions/links are not provided, this gives the number of internal links that will be generated inside each superlink. Defaults to 4.

The hydraulic model is advanced forward in time using the SuperLink.step method:

step(self, H_bc=None, Q_in=None, Q_0Ik=None, u_o=None, u_w=None, u_p=None, dt=None, first_time=False, implicit=True, banded=False, first_iter=True, num_iter=1, head_tol=0.0015)

Advance model forward to next time step, computing hydraulic states.


Argument Type Description
H_bc np.ndarray (M) Boundary stage at each superjunction (m)
Q_in np.ndarray (M) Direct inflow at each superjunction (m^3/s)
Q_0Ik np.ndarray (NIk) Direct inflow at each junction (m^3/s)
u_o np.ndarray (NO) Orifice control signal. Represents fraction of orifice open (0-1)
u_w np.ndarray (NW) Weir control signal. Represents fraction of weir open (0-1)
u_p np.ndarray (NP) Pump control signal. Represents fraction maximum pump flow (0-1)
dt float Time step to advance
first_time bool Set True if this is the first step the model has performed
banded bool If True, use banded matrix solver
first_iter bool True if this is the first iteration of this step when iterating towards convergence.
num_iter int Maximum number of iterations to perform when iterating towards convergence
head_tol float Maximum allowable head tolerance when iterating towards convergence (m)



Model dimensions

Attribute Type Description
M int Number of superjunctions (M)
NK int Number of superlinks (NK)
NIk int Number of junctions (NIK)
Nik int Number of links (NIK)

Model states

Attribute Type Description
t float Current time (s)
H_j np.ndarray (M) Superjunction heads (m)
h_Ik np.ndarray (NIk) Junction depths (m)
Q_ik np.ndarray (Nik) Link flows (m^3/s)
Q_uk np.ndarray (NK) Flows into upstream ends of superlinks (m^3/s)
Q_dk np.ndarray (NK) Flows out of downstream ends of superlinks (m^3/s)
Q_o np.ndarray (NO) Orifice flows (m^3/s)
Q_w np.ndarray (NW) Weir flows (m^3/s)
Q_p np.ndarray (NP) Pump flows (m^3/s)
A_ik np.ndarray (Nik) Cross-sectional area of flow in links (m^2)
Pe_ik np.ndarray (Nik) Wetted perimeter in links (m)
R_ik np.ndarray (Nik) Hydraulic radius in links (m)
B_ik np.ndarray (Nik) Top width of flow in links (m)
A_sj np.ndarray (M) Superjunction surface area (m^2)
V_sj np.ndarray (M) Superjunction stored volumes (m^3)

Model indexing

Attribute Type Description
_i np.ndarray (Nik) Array indicating the index of each link
_I np.ndarray (NIk) Array indicating the index of each junction
_ki np.ndarray (Nik) Array indicating the index of the superlink that each link belongs to
_kI np.ndarray (NIk) Array indicating the index of the superlink that each junction belongs to