
🚰 Interactive hydrodynamic solver for pipe and channel networks

View the Project on GitHub mdbartos/pipedream


    â€¢ Governing equations
    â€¢ Model structure


    â€¢ Flow on hillslope
    â€¢ Simulation context manager
    â€¢ Contaminant transport on hillslope
    â€¢ Uncoupled overland flow
    â€¢ Coupled overland flow
    â€¢ Simple dynamic control example
    â€¢ Adaptive step size control
    â€¢ Validation with real-world network
    â€¢ Kalman filtering with holdout analysis


    â€¢ Hydraulic solver API reference
    â€¢ Infiltration solver API reference
    â€¢ Water quality solver API reference
    â€¢ Model inputs
    â€¢ Hydraulic geometry reference

Infiltration solver API documentation

This section enumerates all the methods of the GreenAmpt class.

Instantiating the GreenAmpt model

An infiltration/runoff model is instantiated using the pipedream_solver.hydrology.GreenAmpt class.

Initialization parameters

The GreenAmpt class is initialized with the following parameters:

Attribute Type Description
soil_params pd.DataFrame Table containing soil parameters for each computational element. See model inputs: soil parameters for specification.

Running the GreenAmpt model with step

The hydraulic model is advanced forward in time using the SuperLink.step method:

step(self, dt, i)

Advance model forward in time, computing infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration.


Argument Type Description
dt float Time step (s)
i np.ndarray (N) Precipitation rate (m/s)



Attributes of the GreenAmpt model

Model dimensions

Attribute Type Description
N int Number of subcatchments (N)

Model states

Attribute Type Description
f np.ndarray (N) Infiltration rate (m/s)
F np.ndarray (N) Cumulative infiltration depth (m)
d np.ndarray (N) Ponded depth (m)
T np.ndarray (N) Recovery time (s)

Other attributes

Attribute Type Description
is_saturated np.ndarray (N) Indicates whether soil element is currently saturated (True/False)